Hi everyone!


My name is Jessica, I am 18 years old and I’m studying Modern Languages at Universidad ECCI.

Group: 1CM

On this blog, I want to share with you new technologies that we can find nowadays. I will show you the greatest new inventions and I will give you my personal opinion about how all of them affect our lives in a positive or negative way.

Thank you very much for reading!

Have fun!


Image result for weapons technologyThe warfare techniques have evolved as decades pass, this because the inventions and disconveries that emerge are applied in multiple fields and warfare could not be the exception. Since technological breakthroughs have made human being an extremely powerful  being and not everyone shares the same assumption of peace and respect of human rights, nations have  had to take advantage of science in order to be ready to face possible threats. armies are provided with different sorts of weapons, transportation media, communication devices and outfit which complies with the demands of a hazardous world where by pushing just a simple button a whole city can be destroyed. And this is not limited only to hardware as such, espionage for example resources to software which is able to hack a computer or a whole system and provoke a breakdown in the enemy´s defensive lines.


Nature offers several resources that can be exploited in different ways and some of them must not be necessarily extracted. Wind provides enough force to move engines which convert the movement into energy which could replace other sources hazardous for the environment such as coal.

 It’s a clean fuel source. Wind energy doesn’t pollute the air like power plants that rely on combustion of fossil fuels natural gas. Wind turbines don’t produce atmospheric emissions that cause acid rain or greenhouse gasses. By populating desertic areas with these vanes, lots of energy can be produced in order to satisfy the energetic demand for several cities, the problem is that this will certainly affect the economical concerns of those who own the fossil fuels who struggle in order to keep their businesses on.


Solar Technology to Clean Energy Future


There are new innovations and methods that fix the damage done to the environment. One of them that I find is the most creative, innovative and useful idea that was invented is the solar power plan because for humans energy is extremely essential  and our necessity is causing pollution that  is why I think that the idea of using the energy of sunshine is the best invention could have been created, it provides us more than enough electricity to power more than a city full of homes and companies.

Nevertheless, on my personal opinion it will be very difficult to implement it all over the world because it seems that the electricty is a business for a lot people which is why there are some people that is against of solar energy plants and their  pretext for it is that it would not work and  can cause instability  as it has been proved for huge places just for one home at a time. But, what they do not realize about is that no other type of energy can be compered to the greatest source of energy as the sun.

  1. Solar panel converts sunlight to DC current
  2. Inverter converts electricity DC to AC
  3. Take electricity your home requires
  4. Extra electricity credited on grid


MITRE's R&D in Millimeter-Scale Robotics

Who could ever imagine that the human being would have even the capacity to manipulate the matter in a scale such as the molecular or atomic one and create microscopic machines able to reach impossible places. Nanotechnology allows through the use of these artifacts (nanobots) to navigate and work on zones that were thought  impossible. This certainly implies advantages in several fields, not only on electronics or robotics as could be imagined but also in medicine, little machines could be placed inside your bloodstream and would be able to treat and eliminate those malign cells of a tumor,or repair damaged tissue deep inside your organs, This possibilty goes beyond the imaginable, however it brings up another topic that could complicate things, the discussion of artificial intelligence, programming nanobots will not guarantee their proper functioning; would it be prudent for the mankind to delegate a delicate duty such as the wellbeing of our own health? what do you think about it?


Nikola Tesla´s legacy is a deed which not many people are aware of, the functioning of every single appliance or electronic device we use nowadays is possible due to his contribution to the mankind, inventions such as the radio or the telephone use several of his patents, however, why this man is not as well known as some other inventors or scientists?. One of his greatest projects consisted on providing clean, free wireless energy to every single person in the world, experiments have proven that conveying electricity with no cords is possible by using a giant coil, a great invention among many others by Mr.  Tesla, certainly it would not be profitable for those who take advantage of energy as a merchandise. His project received poor sponsorship and finally sank but governments and appropriators took all his work and apparently have used it for some other sort of purposes quite different from providing people with free wireless energy. Whenever you turn the lights on the alternate current designed by tesla is taking place,making possible the light bulb to work but we probably will think of Edison as the architect of such possibility. tesla


Blue-Network-Science-Technology-Future-1200x425 Technology is an ever changing, new technologies are coming out every year.It is a really good benefit that we all have; techonology makes our lives easier and gives us entertainment. Furthermore, it is always changing and it is helping us to fix the harm that we have done to the earth.To the contrary, we cause this harm by using technology which is a negative aspect about it because it is going to be the solution but it was the main cause for  the harm. In fact, technlogy has negative and positive aspects but nowadays it seems to me that we are using it in positive way to improve our daily life. For instance, the improvement we have right now in science is making feel people happy because when they are suffering of fatal diseases, technology and science are contributing to the cure of  malignant diseases. Finally, technology can be the most important «invention» if we can call it like that because with it we have the benefit of changing the world in postive way by using correctly technology because if we do not use it correctly then «The cure is worse than the illness». People that have a significant influence on both science and technology:

Mobile Technology

Mobile Technology

Nowadays, our world is «governed» by cellphones, everyones has one because it is an useful device because allows you to communicate with your family and friends at any time, even you can see them as cellphone also allows you to have video calls so that you can share with them everything. Also it includes internet services so you can have the most update information in your cellphone it can news, applications, trends things like that. But as it always provinding us relevant information that we love to have in hand, it also provides other people information about our lives it is well known that internet lets you have any kind of information you need which is not good because there is people that do not how to manage all of the information that they get and use it in bad way affecting in this way other people and on the internet there is not security, you cannot even protect your personal information.


Technology in the classroom: To start with, new invention in technology had helped us to improve lost of things and one of them is the education because technology has been using it as essential tool when it is related to education. We can see it in unversities and schools because now it is easier to use a computer to look for information than going to the library or when teacher assign task to their students they need a computer to do their projects, graphic and sum up information and it will save student time as they do not have to write by hand and correct or start again after any mistake they did. Nevertheless, technology enrolled in education has affected in negative way student because nowadays young people is used to use internet as their brain instead of thinking by themselves or  creating and analyzing  information without using internet. We are so lazy that we even do not read what we are writting we just copy any information and that is all. Teachnology in classrooms has been a great idea as we all have access to technology and we have been learning lost of new things by using technology but we are getting too much use to it that if we do not use technology then we cannot do anyhting we always need technology and it is not good for us because in my personal opinion one day in our future there will be nothing no technology and we will need to start doing everything again by ourselves and it would be really difficual for us. However, we should start thinking that technology is the best tool but we ned to learn to use it correctly not as benefit but as path to achive all that we want.

maxresdefault  Technology has changed humans life, now we all use technology every singles day when we take a shower, prepare food, go to work o school, build our home we are using it for everything we do, what do you think we will do without technology?. It is really difficult question as we do not know what to do without it. And as the days come out we are using it more. What’s more, we are using it to create virtual people that look real; we want them to be able to eat,  go bathroom , talk, do all the things real human do. But why we have these crazy ideas and we all are excited because of it when there is no sense creating this type of » devices » and make them look like us what is the reason for??. it should be that technology has become a really important part in our lives that right know we want it to be real?!. Nobody seems to look at it in this way, because some people love technology and now they do not have closest relation with people all they use to communicate are networks. To conlcude, on my personal opinion in a couple of years we will behavior as we are technology itself. I mean, like androids it sounds weird but it will be our cruel reality .

Technology has changed humans life, now we all use technology every singles day when we take a shower, prepare food, go to work o school, build our home we are using it for everything we do, what do you think we will do without technology?. It is really difficult question as we do not know what to do without it. And as the days come out we are using it more. What’s more, we are using it to create virtual people that look real; we want them to be able to eat,  go bathroom , talk, do all the things real human do. But why we have these crazy ideas and we all are excited because of it when there is no sense creating this type of » devices » and make them look like us what is the reason for??. it should be that technology has become a really important part in our lives that right know we want it to be real?!. Nobody seems to look at it in this way, because some people love technology and now they do not have closest relation with people all they use to communicate are networks. To conlcude, on my personal opinion in a couple of years we will behavior as we are technology itself. I mean, like androids it sounds weird but it will be our cruel reality .